Tax Info

Taxes for Individual Students filing 2023 taxes in 2024

While ASUO Student Legal Services can’t provide filing assistance or tax advice, most UO students are eligible for services from the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA).

What is VITA?

VITA, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, is an IRS program that provides free tax preparation service for underserved tax filers through various partner organizations. This service helps low to moderate income individuals. International students are not eligible to use VITA. International students who need tax filing help should contact an accountant for assistance.

Ways to File through VITA

UO VITA Program – in person:

​    Beginning February 10, 2024, the UO VITA program will accept in person requests for assistance from tax-certified volunteers at the Lillis Business Complex on the UO campus. Dates and times of service will be limited and offered on a first come first serve basis. Check their website for scheduled dates of service and operating hours, and a list of things you’ll need to bring with you:

 Other Ways to File through VITA: 

   Beginning January 31, 2024 –

You can sign up in advance for free VITA assistance with GetYourRefund, a secure, IRS/U.S, Department of Treasury/White House supported site that provides free tax filings for low-income households. Most students, with or without children, will qualify for VITA services using the mobile app to upload necessary identification and tax documents for tax-certified VITA volunteers. Married students can file together. GetYourRefund can also be used to file prior year tax returns up to 3 years.

Income limit: under $66,000.

Advance Child Tax Credit

The Advance Child Tax Credit was a tax benefit provided to families in 2021 and 2022 and was not renewed for 2023.

Other Considerations


If you are a “dependent” student supported by your parents, you may need to coordinate your tax filing with your parents. Parents who financially support students during college (including grad school) may claim students under age 24 as dependents. Students whose parents claim them as dependents cannot claim their personal exemption on their own taxes. Before filing tax returns, students should clarify whether their parents intend to claim them as a dependent for tax purposes. If so, those students should give their 1098-T to their parents before tax time. Form 1098-T is the statement your university uses to report qualified tuition and related education expenses to you and the IRS. You or your parent/guardian may be able to claim those expenses as education related tax credits. To get your Form 1098-T go to:


If your total scholarship funding is greater than your qualified school expenses, you may owe taxes on the difference. Discuss this issue with your parents early so you can prepare for any tax consequences. You may also wish to consult with an accountant for help finding the best way to minimize any tax impact.

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